Wednesday, June 16, 2010

No poison thanks

I can not even put into words how much i truly love my daughter, Lillian. She was very much planned. P and I named her before she was even created. We planned on having her after we purchased our first home and we did. My pregnancy was hard, I had severe morning sickness for 7 months straight, I lost25 lbs. But honestly it was the second greatest time in my life. I loved feeling her move, talking to her and dreaming about her while i watched my body change to accommodate her. I had an amazing labor. We had a wonderful doula named Amy who helped us so much. I labored at home for 12 hours. Then we went to the birth center where i labored naturally for another 7 hours. Finally I could not stand the back pain any longer. The labor pain felt right and I could have handled it no problem, but my back was a mess. Unfortunately they would not give me anything to help my back, there was no water to birth in, my shower leaked and i was at my end. So I allowed them to give me an epidural. I do not regret this decision at all. I had a very peaceful experience after and they lowered the dosage enough for me to feel my contractions and push lil out easily. When her head crowned i grabbed it and in the next push i pulled her out and put her on my chest. She was a tiny miracle. I felt wonderfully empowered and I would not change a thing about my birth experience with her. However when we get pregnant again I would like to have a home water hypnobirth for our second child.
Anyway, I stopped drinking cow's milk several years ago. I did a speech for one my of my college courses on RCBH (recombinant bovine growth hormone). I was so disturbed and disgusted after all of my research that I stopped drinking cow's milk and eating icecream that isn't rcbh free (thankyou Ben and Jerry!). A couple years before this I was diagnosed with ibs because of that i gave up eating greasy meats . In fact i stopped eating any red meat. I know only eat poultry and seafood. Although when I was pregnant I did crave and eat some krystals, big nasty mistake. But hey cravings are hard!
So now Lil is two and I strive to give her healthy options in all things. When she was a baby I made all of her food, using whole veggies and fruits. It was fabulous. Now that she's older it gets a little harder. As I realize that I wasn't eating t way I should be and she was following my example whether i made the correct food for her or not. Then I started doing hypnotherapy for weightloss. It has been amazing. I feel great about my size and I know that I will reach my goal size before the year is up. That is a wonderfully freeing thought. Because of this I am eating healthier and in turn so is Lil.
Her health is so important to me , it's right up there with her happiness. This brings me to why I am writing this. We do not vaccinate. I have read study upon study and parenting book upon parenting book and I truly believe that vaccines do no good and generally are harmful. I think they used to be extremely helpful. Now however they are loaded with harmful chemicals that I wouldn't inject in myself , let alone my child (my world). I have absolutely no problem at all with parents who choose to vaccinate. As long as you are informed and have done research than I think you are doing a great job as a parent. What I don't understand is parent's that do no research on anything and simply trust their Doctor. I think that is simply dangerous. I also have a problem with Doctors that will accept only vaccinated children and then give misinformation to the people who either wish to delay, separate or not vaccinate their children. I wish more doctors were like Dr. Sears. On that note Dr. Sears vaccine book is on it's way to our house and I will review it after I finish.

Thanks for listening, sometimes I just need to vent.


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