Sunday, October 24, 2010

Living gluten free

I recently went onto the hcg diet and lost 20 lbs. It was great. After the initial portion of the diet, I went onto maintenance and it was no carb. In doing that I started feeling much better physically. After years of being plaugued by IBS, joint and muscle pain, headaches, and various other unexplained (even by doctors) illnesses, I learned that I have a gluten in tolerance. I had confirmation when I ate some pizza. The reactions was horrible and lasted 4 days. I have since completely stopped eating any forms of gluten and I feel amazing. I have no more brain fog, pain, or IBS. I feel just like a normal person! It is a wonderful gift to be able to live without fear of almost constant pain.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

No poison thanks

I can not even put into words how much i truly love my daughter, Lillian. She was very much planned. P and I named her before she was even created. We planned on having her after we purchased our first home and we did. My pregnancy was hard, I had severe morning sickness for 7 months straight, I lost25 lbs. But honestly it was the second greatest time in my life. I loved feeling her move, talking to her and dreaming about her while i watched my body change to accommodate her. I had an amazing labor. We had a wonderful doula named Amy who helped us so much. I labored at home for 12 hours. Then we went to the birth center where i labored naturally for another 7 hours. Finally I could not stand the back pain any longer. The labor pain felt right and I could have handled it no problem, but my back was a mess. Unfortunately they would not give me anything to help my back, there was no water to birth in, my shower leaked and i was at my end. So I allowed them to give me an epidural. I do not regret this decision at all. I had a very peaceful experience after and they lowered the dosage enough for me to feel my contractions and push lil out easily. When her head crowned i grabbed it and in the next push i pulled her out and put her on my chest. She was a tiny miracle. I felt wonderfully empowered and I would not change a thing about my birth experience with her. However when we get pregnant again I would like to have a home water hypnobirth for our second child.
Anyway, I stopped drinking cow's milk several years ago. I did a speech for one my of my college courses on RCBH (recombinant bovine growth hormone). I was so disturbed and disgusted after all of my research that I stopped drinking cow's milk and eating icecream that isn't rcbh free (thankyou Ben and Jerry!). A couple years before this I was diagnosed with ibs because of that i gave up eating greasy meats . In fact i stopped eating any red meat. I know only eat poultry and seafood. Although when I was pregnant I did crave and eat some krystals, big nasty mistake. But hey cravings are hard!
So now Lil is two and I strive to give her healthy options in all things. When she was a baby I made all of her food, using whole veggies and fruits. It was fabulous. Now that she's older it gets a little harder. As I realize that I wasn't eating t way I should be and she was following my example whether i made the correct food for her or not. Then I started doing hypnotherapy for weightloss. It has been amazing. I feel great about my size and I know that I will reach my goal size before the year is up. That is a wonderfully freeing thought. Because of this I am eating healthier and in turn so is Lil.
Her health is so important to me , it's right up there with her happiness. This brings me to why I am writing this. We do not vaccinate. I have read study upon study and parenting book upon parenting book and I truly believe that vaccines do no good and generally are harmful. I think they used to be extremely helpful. Now however they are loaded with harmful chemicals that I wouldn't inject in myself , let alone my child (my world). I have absolutely no problem at all with parents who choose to vaccinate. As long as you are informed and have done research than I think you are doing a great job as a parent. What I don't understand is parent's that do no research on anything and simply trust their Doctor. I think that is simply dangerous. I also have a problem with Doctors that will accept only vaccinated children and then give misinformation to the people who either wish to delay, separate or not vaccinate their children. I wish more doctors were like Dr. Sears. On that note Dr. Sears vaccine book is on it's way to our house and I will review it after I finish.

Thanks for listening, sometimes I just need to vent.


Monday, June 14, 2010

My life and my ... erm ... faith?

We are still planning on getting an rv and traveling eventually. At the moment there are other things going on. I have been doing some soul searching lately and I am finally going through a metamorphosis. I am both excited and frightened by this. I am a Christian, and up until a few months ago i was content with being just that. Then I attended a church that opened my eyes and made me realize that I am not on the same path as most Christians. The church itself was nice, the services were good and the people were friendly. However the entire time we attended it I felt like a fake. It continued to get worse until we stopped attending. So I thought " well maybe it's just that i need a different church", I was wrong. I attended another church that was perfect for me and I still just felt out of place. Again nice church great sermon but it was me not them.
Some background info, I searched like crazy for the right answer when i was a kid. I grew up with two agnostic parents. I love that. I love that my parents raised me and said , believe whatever you want to. I am so happy because it allowed me to find the right path for me. When i was 16 i was saved. And not in the i was standing in front of a huge congregation chanting saved. i was at home alone talking to God about what i should do with my life and who I should be and i asked to be saved. I was completely on my own and people may think this is crazy but I truly FELT God . I felt my salvation take place. I can never deny that fact. I just can't because it was too real and too powerful. Here's what i didn't understand. When I was saved people assumed that I believed the bible to be the infallible word of God , believed in the holy trinity and would follow the ten commandments. For a long long while i went with this.
But as I mentioned earlier things finally changed. I saw the veil slip from my eyes and I finally saw clearly. I DO NOT believe that the bible is infallible. I believe that it was originally God's word but that by time, greed, ego, etc. It does not carry the same gravity or meaning that it did. I do not believe that childbirth should ever be considered a punishment. For me childbirth was the single greatest moment of my life and I am so blessed with my beautiful, intelligent, gentle daughter, Lillian. The pain of labor was excellent , because it allowed my body to work and let my daughter come into the world. Again I simply don't believe that this is in anyway a punishment. I also do not believe that our role as women was a small in the bible as it is now. I simply can not fathom that the God of LOVE would condemn people to hell simply for ignorance of the "correct way".
I do believe in God, I do not believe that God has a gender but I choose to see him as a caring Father. However he could just as easily be seen as a Mother.
I do believe that Jesus was the son of God born in flesh and that through his life and story we can come to know a deeper meaning of God's love.

Honestly though I don't know where this new insight leaves me as far as what I believe? I know that I don't simply want to be someone who has weak faith and skims by. So I have been talking to God about what I need and how I can mature in my faith journey. So I am making a small temple in my house. Now I know some Christians will read this and think idol worship but hear me out. There will be no statues, etc. It will simply be a small room dark with a candle or two lit, and a yoga mat on the floor. Somewhere that I can get away from the world and get on my knees to really talk to God about everything. I haven't felt this much peace about my faith in a long time. I know after much soul searching and prayer that this is where God wants me to be.
Everything else Christian wise, who knows? I certainly don't. I just know that I want to live a life or total love and I want to share love with everyone.
